_ga | Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios. Caduca a los 2 años. |
_gid | Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios. Caduca a las 24 horas. |
_gcl_au | Se usa para hacer el tracking de las conversiones. Caduca a los 3 meses. |
_dc_gtm_UA-4554452-1 | Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. Caduca al minuto. |
We have developed several specific programmes, which are implemented from the preschool stage, to thoroughly explore each area of development and knowledge set out in the Aude! strategic plan. These programmes are continued in the other stages of education and provide a map for the projects carried out at Institució Tarragona.
If you would like any further information or to arrange a meeting or visit the Institució Tarragona School
you will find all this information and much more on our admissions portal.